What is the EWM Association?


There are several organisations and committees supporting women mathematicians in Europe. The first and best known is the membership organisation European Women in Mathematics Association (EWM). Its executive consists of a convenor and a standing committee.


Founded in 1986, EWM is an international association with the following aims:

  • encouraging women to study mathematics
  • supporting women in their careers
  • providing a meeting place for like-minded people
  • promoting scientific communication
  • cooperating with groups and organizations with similar goals
  • giving prominence and visibility to women mathematicians
  • spreading their vision of mathematics and science, and finding supporters across all divisions in today’s business and economics especially with the growing implementation of math and automatisation in the online trading in specific Forex trading where the organization has found increasing support from the best Forex brokers globally with more details of those companies can be found here at this FX trading site.

Networking events

EWM is a network of several hundred members in thirty-three European countries. There is a co-ordinator in each country with responsibility for advertising EWM initiatives, developing activities in their country and reporting on them to the network.
The EWM biennal general Assembly takes place during its general meeting and a summer school is also held every other year. The biennal general meeting lasts for one week. As well as the general assembly, it has a scientific program with mini courses, invited lectures and contributed lectures.
The young EWM members play a very active role in the summer schools that include several mini courses, exercises sessions and presentation by the young women mathematicians of their work in the presence of more senior colleagues.
EWM members also organise meetings locally in each country, usually in cooperation with other institutions.
A newsletter is published at least twice a year. EWM has a website, a Facebook group and an e-mail network.


The second association for women mathematicians in Europe is the European Mathematical Society’s (EMS) Women and Mathematics Committee. In 2008, these two groups founded the EWM/EMS Scientific Committee of twelve distinguished women mathematicians. The main function of this committee is to advise EMS and EWM on scientific programmes and speakers for events aimed at emphasizing women’s scientific contributions, whether organised separately or jointly by EWM and the EMS.
EWM has produced several videos which can be found on its website. In 2016 the joint EWM/ EMS Women in Mathematics Committee organized an event aimed at celebrating and giving prominence to female mathematics of excellence in Europe.